Thursday, May 2, 2024

X-MEN in the Style of Classic Disney Animation Makes Marvel's Mutants Magical

disney house of villains

To achieve his ends, Ratcliffe is willing to kill and instigate destructive plots by manipulating the colonists into leaving to confront the Powhatan or persuading King James to send an armada through lies and trickery. Rourke is apparently composed, pragmatic and a reasonable authority figure. In truth, he was extremely manipulative, intriguing, cruel and violent, having no qualms about harming or threatening others to get what he wanted. According to Rourke, he also has quite a bit of control over his temper as he tells Milo and congratulates Milo for letting him go wild. Having been expelled from college numerous times at the age of 15, he possesses a deep hatred of pure and rigid academics and ethics, as he believes they prevent people from “playing dirty” in order to be successful in life.

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Jafar and Oogie Boogie (from The Nightmare Before Christmas) soon follow, and arriving last is Maleficent showing the audience how Halloween should really be celebrated. After Goofy failed to scare Donald throughout the cartoon as a ghost, he wakes up Donald after reading a book on sleeping with your eyes open and got frightened. He ends up running out of the haunted house, where he ends up hit by a car, becoming a ghost himself. The narrator lampshades this where at the end of the cartoon, they chase each other, scream comically and then Iris Out.

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Nevertheless, he may also have a lighter side, which is hinted at in his dreams about ponies. Other than that, Sid has remained mostly the same (especially his love of heavy metal) and eventually became a garbage man. The Sheriff of Nottingham is Prince John’s zealous servant, carrying out the duty imposed on him by the tyrant by collecting taxes and actively pursuing Robin Hood. The Sheriff is usually a jovial character who enjoys his task and does not care about the injustice of his actions. He even indulges, like the rest of the people, in humming the tune that makes fun of Prince John. Facilier is a scheming bokor, driven primarily by greed and a desire to have authority over others; more specifically, on the citizens of New Orleans.

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After Bellatrix tries to hurt Ginny Weasley in the Battle of Hogwarts, Molly Weasely BURSTS into the mix with a motherly rage of ginger fury and shouts, "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!" as Bellatrix erupts into magical oblivion. Thanks to X-Men ’97, we now know Marvel Mutants and Disney go together like peanut butter and jelly. Of course, the animation style of X-Men ’97 doesn’t evoke the classic “Disney look.” It’s meant to be a blend of the ’90s animated series with a dash of anime.

Finally, we are going to consider their authenticity and originality. You live a thousand lives while watching Desperate Housewives because SO much happens. It includes plenty of villains who deserve prison or worse, but the most gag-worthy moment of justice belongs to George, Bree's admirer-turned-stalker. He got away with it and pursued her romantically after some time passed, but their relationship didn't exactly work out because George was (unsurprisingly) violently unstable, and Bree became suspicious of his involvement in her late husband's death.

Some of these villain characters have appeared in sequels, video games, comic books, stage productions, or live-action adaptations of the original films. After a series of cartoons, Jafar, along with his new henchmen Captain Hook, Cruella de Vil, Ursula and Hades take over the house with the musical number “It’s Our House Now! The heroes, princesses and other characters are trapped in the kitchen while Mickey and several others are thrown out into the street. They witness the House’s name being changed to the House of Villains. It is Halloween night at the House of Mouse, and a lot of villains are showing up. Jafar has a trick in store for the usual heroes of the House, but the villains have to wait until midnight for him to unleash it.

She becomes ready for anything, even to kill her stepdaughter and those who oppose her mission. Apparently, she does not like to take on such tasks herself and prefers to send her underling, the Hunter, to take care of it, on pain of death if he fails. However, when she sees that she can only trust herself, the Queen is forced to take on this charge, and concocts a plan in a very subtle way, which shows her high intelligence. He resents the parrot for betraying him in the straight-to-video sequel and gives him the opportunity to redeem himself by taking advantage of the closeness he has established with Aladdin and his people. It is thus also possible that he only sees him as an object since he does not hesitate to suffocate him so that he stops talking.

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In the special, Walt Disney himself hands hosting duties over to the Magic Mirror, who hosts a show devoted to Disney villains such as the Big Bad Wolf, the Evil Queen and Captain Hook, and Br'er Fox and Br'er Bear. Epic Mickey introduces new villains to the world of Disney, most of which are from old-style Disney films and attractions. In the first game, Mickey unwittingly creates a monster called the Shadow Blot (not to be confused with the Phantom Blot). As Mickey tries to get rid of it, Yen Sid approaches and Mickey is forced to flee, leaving some of the Blot undestroyed.

Movies / TV

disney house of villains

Snow was a fascist who ran an annual children's death match that casually aired on TV like it was American Idol, so he wasn't exactly a hero to root for in this series. Watching him snug in the safety of the capital while others fought for their lives in the arena was infuriating. We all expected Snow to die by Katniss's arrow — I even hoped to see him get shot with multiple arrows like Boromir from Lord of the Rings — buuuut Katniss used her only point-and-shooty moment to kill Coin instead of him. That's when Snow's death became a DIY version of the Hunger Games as a huge swarm of citizens trapped him, ultimately leading to his demise. Ramsay Bolton committed too many crimes against humanity to even list.

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Posted: Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The father described walking toward the Evil Queen area of the restaurant. Emma Frost is the White Queen of the Hellfire Club, and she’s also giving a classic evil Disney villain in this one. She might send a hunter to bring back Jean Grey’s heart in a box as if she were Snow White.

He is known for videotaping Buzz’s speeches to secretly make fun of him. Despite his comical nature, he is widely regarded as the most evil person in the galaxy. However, at the start of the first film, it appears that she raised Kuzco, rather than his parents, and served as the family’s advisor and scientist for many years. It is only when Kuzco abruptly and unceremoniously fires her that she turns on him, decides to kill him, and then fills the power vacuum left in her wake and becomes Empress. It’s also implied that her being the one who raised him partly explains Kuzco’s negative personality traits.

He then tried to manipulate Bree by overdosing on sleeping pills and calling her to "say goodbye" when really, he wanted her to show up and ~save him~. She told him that if he admitted to the murder, she would call an ambulance for him, and then they could be together. Once he confessed, she didn't call 👏ANY👏ONE👏 and left him for dead. You have to be straight-up evil and 100% unredeemable if you kill DOBBY of all characters. If you had to guess who would bring the magic wand of justice down on Bellatrix Lestrange, I doubt certified sweetie pie Molly Weasely would even make the top five.

Shan Yu is one of the most ruthless and ferocious villains the Disney universe has ever seen. He’s not above killing his enemies in cold blood to prove his strength and it was shown when he joked about it. Shan Yu is also extremely confident in the strength and superiority of his and her own army, sometimes allowing his enemies to gain the upper hand in order to prove his power. This is the case, for example, of his attack on the Great Wall, where he allowed a solitary sentry to light the signal fire, send a message to the Emperor and give him time to mobilize the imperial army.

There are also plenty of villains, starting with the X-Men’s biggest nemesis Magneto. In Kingdom Keepers, Disney villains form a group known as the "Overtakers". In the third film, Descendants 3, appear Hades, Dr. Facilier, Lady Tremaine, and Mr. Smee. Celia, Dr. Facilier's daughter, and Squeaky and Squirmy, Mr. Smee's twin sons, are also introduced. In the second game, The Mad Doctor tries to rule in the Shadow Blot's stead. If the player choose the Hero path, The Mad Doctor turns from a robot into a toon.

It’s possible that Disney just hasn’t had an opportunity yet to rework the show for Disney+. The series is almost 20 years old, technology has, of course, changed dramatically during that time and there are certain adjustments needed to be made for Disney+. It is Halloween night at the House of Mouse and a lot of villains are showing up. Jafar has a trick in store for the usual heroes, but the villains have to wait until midnight for him to unleash it. He will try to use this manipulative talent on Simba’s return, wanting to blame his own faults on the hyenas, but will come up against the disbelief of his nephew, who has become an adult. Moreover, we can note that when he plays with his mustache or when Peter has fun pulling it on him, it makes the noise of a clock hand.

Just think about the most horrible acts one person could do and I guarantee he did it at some point. Finally being free of his terror and torture was a welcome relief, especially when his death was at the hand of Sansa, who ended him in the exact same way he was planning to kill her family...being eaten by his dogs. A Season 1 press release shared more insight into that the series “brings together 10 iconic and infamous reality television villains under one roof."

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